Experienced Translator: English- Spanish into French

Qualified: Excellent command of three languages(Translations Studies)
Responsible: Always looking for the perfect phraseology to find the correct translation. Proofreading and editing final translated versions. Retaining and developing knowledge on specialist areas of translation.(ie engineering)
Skills: Good understanding of Spanish Culture (12 years living in Spain!).Attention to detail combined with the ability to work quickly to meet deadlines. Excellent writing skills. Eagerness to acquire new knowledge.
Fluent in English and Spanish, including colloquialisms, engineering terms. Experienced with several computer programs, including Microsoft Office, SDL Trados, Wordfast. Extremely precise and dedicated. Comfortable with both verbal and written communication, including preparing and giving presentations.
Paese: SPAIN
Sono un/a: Donna
  • Inglese
  • Francese
  • Spagnolo
Categoria: Francese

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